Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back to Reality, Back to work

I figure that not many will actually view and continue reading this blog, so I'm going to be myself and not try to impress anyone.

After being out of school for two years and not really doing anything except working horrible retail hours, I am going back to school. For what? you may wonder... Well, to be a secondary teacher. I am very excited about this, my heart hammers at the aspect of going back to learning. I seriously haven't been this excited for something in a while. Well, since my wedding, which was over 8 months ago.

Many people think that I am crazy to be excited to go back to school. But there is something refreshing knowing that I will be challenging myself again, instead of settling for comfortable surroundings.

It's amazing how many people just settle once they get into a position that they feel comfortable in. I've seen it happen over and over with friends from college and high school. They stop challenging themselves and fall into the same ole' routine. When that happens, I think that people start to forget to appreciate the small things in life; such as, blue skies, baking summer days, torrential rains, hot cocoa, and don't forget, fluffy snowflakes. I know that sounds cliche, but it seems to be true, or it was for me. I stopped appreciating the ideas of change; when something new comes to you and you can't wait to tell someone. All I thought about was the fact that I was stuck in this job that I really didn't like, but because of my loyalty to the company I felt that I couldn't leave them. Finally I did, and with good reason. And now I am the happiest I've been since I graduated with my B.S.

Okay, now I'm just blabbing, so goodnight.

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